DIN Rail Power and Energy Meter

Product Features
- Utility Revenue Grade Accuracy
- IEC 62053-22 0.5s Class / ANSI C12.20 0.5 Class
- CT Input Options: 5A/1A, 333mV, 80/100/200mA
- Flexible Rogowski Coil input option
- 4 Channel current input including neutral current
- 10-690Vac 50/60Hz direct voltage input
- RS-485 port built-in with Modbus-RTU
- Standard DIN-rail mount for ease-of-installation
- Built-in energy pulse output and alarm output
The AcuRev 1310 DIN rail mounting meter combines high performance with ease of integration to provide a cost-effective power and energy monitoring solution. The meter features a built-in LCD display designed to simplify setup and local reading of the data. Additionally the Modbus-RTU and pulse output communication features allow seamless integration with data acquisition systems. Visit the Accuenergy website here: Accuenergy
Key Terms: Accuenergy - AcuRev - 1310 - Power Meter - Energy Meter - RS485 - LCD